Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Here comes 2015!

2015 is just around the corner.
Instead of doing the usual 'year in review' (which you can actually revisit by reading my posts made throughout 2014, just check out the Blog Archive on the lower right-hand side of this post), I'm going to give you a little preview of what I have in the works.

I'm working on a new sketchbook, my first since 2010's COMIC POP SKETCHBOOK. The new one will be 80 pages and will feature b&w as well as color pages. A good chunk of the material will be artwork from my sketchbooks done in the last 4 years, but I've also been digging through books going back to 2006. I've even found a stack of artwork I did back in my teen years, so you'll get to see some of my earlier work (like The Crusader!)

There will also be two comics I've done recently that'll see print for the first time in this book. It's been fun going through all the artwork, so now I need to finish up the compilation and order a proof copy from the printer. My best estimation is that the book would be available by February. I'll keep everyone updated via social networks.

The other project I'm working on is my first EL MUERTO trade paperback, which will compile stories from KING SIZE EL MUERTO, EL MUERTO MISHMASH & EL MUERTO:DAZE OF THE DEAD Pt. 1. The book will include the all-new material for Pt. 2, which I've decided to include in the collection instead of printing it up as a single issue.

A couple of the comics are now out of print, so I figure it's best to make the whole saga available in one collection. Haven't decided on what the cover will be, but I drew this sketch based on an initial idea. We'll see....

Here's a look at some of the artwork:

Still more work to do on this story, then there's the process of compiling all four issues into one book. But that's what I do, make comics!

I'm probably looking at a Spring release for the EL MUERTO collection. Beyond these two books, I know there's another Latino Comics Expo to plan for. As usual, there's several other things in the pipeline in varying stages of development, so we'll see how those pan out.

As for other comics work, I've found in the last few years that I tend to spontaneously whip up a new comic book when I get hit by the muse. I know I want to produce another round of short stories (2, 3, maybe 5 pagers) throughout the year, so expect those to pop up periodically.

Thanks for sharing your time, interest and money with me this past year! I create my stories because I want to see them take a physical form as a comic book, and I'm always appreciative when folks enjoy them.

Monday, December 01, 2014

Saturday, November 08, 2014


So I've got a new comic book (my third one in the last 2 months!). Here's me checking out a prototype of the front and back covers.

MANIAC PRIEST. A vigilante priest ravaging the L.A. underworld. Basically playing in that 1980s 'vigilante porn' genre (movies like DEATH WISH, THE EXTERMINATOR, 'The Executioner' novels, etc.). But with the added dimension of exploring it through the actions of a 'Man of God'. 

Earlier this year I watched, for the first time, the MANIAC COP movies, a trilogy of exploitation films dealing with a former policeman hellbent of extracting revenge on society for wrongs that were done to him. The films are sheer fun, and really inspired to me to of my own 'maniac'! A priest quickly came to mind. I did a few sketches (in February) and put it away, until just a couple of weeks ago something compelled me to whip up a quick story. I'm not saying that the 'something' was divine intervention, but I sure had a desire to see this story through! 

I'm doing a signing at Nostalgic Books & Comics (San Gabriel, CA) on November 15, along with fellow cartoonist Michael Aushenker. The book will debut there, but I'll also have copies available in my webshop through a Pre-order campaign.

MANIAC PRIEST: GENESIS EDITION will be a magazine-size, 12 page comic. Full color covers, with interior pages featuring b&w art colored in gray tones. A special guest pinup by Michael Aushenker is featured, along with some behind-the-scenes material featuring early sketches and production art. The book will be signed & numbered, and each Pre-ordered comic comes with an inked drawing from me on the inside front cover. Like the one shown below:

This is probably about the fastest I've created a comic. Partly because I wanted to debut this comic at my upcoming signing, but also because I felt a very strong desire to see it through. Drawing, inking, coloring and lettering this 7 page short story, presenting the world the character exists in, has been fun. One of the things that really attracts me to this is raising some fundamental questions about man, his relationship and belief in God, his sense of justice and mercy. Even when I don't arrive at an 'answer' in the story, it's the exploration of the questions that provide me with a lot of creative fuel. What starts as an idea to riff off of exploitation films evolves, hopefully, into something worth mulling over in one's head.

To pre-order a copy, please visit my Los Comex Webshop right here. I'll be taking Pre-orders until Wednesday. And if you're going to attend the store signing on the 15th, let me know during the check-out process on the store site. I can take your comic with me to the signing and give it to you then. I'll even credit you the $3.00 shipping fee by applying it to any of my other products at the signing, or simply give you the $3.00 in cash!


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Interview for Telemundo

Here's a Spanish-language interview I did for the Telemundo morning show UN NUEVO DIA. This was filmed in July at Pico Park (Pico Park, CA) where I teach comic book workshops. I really like the creative shots the cameraman chose!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Christmas in October!

Debuting this October 11 & 12 in San José, CA, at the Latino Comics Expo:

Yes, it's my new, full-color, digest-sized Holiday comic! As a young fan back in the 70s I always liked it when Marvel & DC would put out special Christmas-themed comics, featuring the superheroes in Holiday time adventures. So when I realized I had some stories that I could package in a Yuletide collection....

My new book features, for the first time in print, my poem THE NIGHT BEFORE NAVIDAD (which I originally published online back in 2006). And this time, I created full-color illustrations for it's print debut. 

I'm also reprinting "Haunted Holidays", my one-page comic originally published as a Poster Comic, starring Jacob & Joaquin: The Wandering Jew and Catholic Boy.  Another comic is also being reprinted, but for the first time it's being presented in full-color. My "Manga Muerto" story from 2000, where I presented this alternate version of El Muerto. Here he's a foreign exchange student in Japan given charge of a giant robot!

And rounding out this collection is an 8 page gallery of artwork I've created over the years as promotional pieces, art prints, covers, etc. THE ART OF LOS COMEX:

For the initial release, I'll have all the copies of this book at the Expo, but once I get back, I'll place a new order and put them in my webshop for your Holiday shopping needs. Remember, at 5.5" x 7.75", they make the perfect stocking stuffers!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Pre-order MORE COMICS! By Javier Hernandez

I've got a new book coming out, available for pre-order:
A full-color anthology of comics published online earlier this year. Four Pagers featuring Dinosaurio, The Super 75ers and Felinus. They're being collected for the first time in print, along with The Legend of Felinus, the one-page Poster Comic (inked by cartoonist Rafael Navarro). All the production on the book is done. Once the pre-order campaign is over, I'll send the files to the printing company, wait for a proof, then impatiently look for the batch of freshly printed comics to arrive on my doorstep!

This 20 page, 8" x 10.50" book also features 8 pages of behind-the-scenes material including sketches, production art and creator commentary. And included in the pre-order will be this newly created, signed & numbered print featuring Felinus and Dinosaurio. You can't beat a pink werewolf riding a blue tyrannosaurus rex!

Last year we published COMICS!, a full-color, 20 page comic featuring a dozen one pages stories plus extras. If you don't have that one yet, you can order both titles in a set and still get the cool print:

Pre-orders help us indie creators cover the printing costs for our books, so anyone who joins in will be very much appreciated. You can Pre-order MORE COMICS! by Javier Hernandez over at my online webshop. Pre-orders will be accepted until August 29th and the book will be in your hands by early October.

And one more thing: The first 5 people to pre-order will get one of my original cover sketches I made while trying to decide on the cover for MORE COMICS!. I drew 5 different versions until settling on the one in the middle. You'll get one of these drawings, so be among the first five to pre-order (either the single issue or the combo set)!

Thank you! 

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Free Comic Book Workshop this Thursday in San Marino, CA

I'll be conducting a workshop for kids from 2:00-3:00pm at the Crowell Public Library in San Marino, CA. This Thursday, July 10.

It's free, and we'll be providing the paper and pencils. They tell me their drawing programs are heavily attended, to get there early to reserve your spot!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Available for commissions- Hire me to create artwork for you!

I recently had requests for two commissions back-to-back, so it occurred to me to make an official announcement for anyone else interested in hiring me for commissions.

In the hopes of keeping things simple, I'll have a basic offer of a b&w ink drawing done on an 8.5" x 11" sheet, with a single character. Price will be $35.00, which includes shipping fees (sent in a securely packaged envelope). Here's a recent one I did of my character El Muerto, and an ink drawing featuring another of my characters, Weapon Tex-Mex:

Order your B&W commissions through my webshop here.

If you'd like a color sketch, done with color markers and black ink, prices vary based on what you're asking for. A basic drawing would run around $45 (includes shipping), but write me and let me know what you'd like. Here are some samples of what my color sketches looks like, done at 8.5" x 11":

If you want more detailed work, feel free to write me and let me know what you have in mind. Here's a sample of a recent commission, featuring of a more detailed color marker drawing featuring Dr. No (from the first James Bond movie):

And here's a comic book style finished drawing featuring my Muerto and Skeletron characters with Go Nagai's Mazinger Z characters. This commission was for the original, 11" x 17" b&w ink drawing, as well as a full-color print of the completed piece (colored digitally):
So, to order a $35 original, B&W, single character commission, please visit my webshop.

To order a color sketch or more elaborate commission, please email me at with your request and I'll quote you a price. Thanks!

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Cinco De Muerto Sketch Card Lotería happens tomorrow!

Running a contest tomorrow on my Facebook page where you can win 1 of these 5 original, hand-drawn El Muerto sketch cards. (I'm keeping the 12" custom El Muerto figure!!)

Hopefully you're following me on Facebook!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

"FELINUS: In the Dead of Night" comic!

Here it is, FELINUS: In the Dead of Night, the all-new 4 Pager starring the Man Cat from Ghoulash!

 Have you read the previous appearance of Felinus in the Poster Comic "The Legend of Felinus" ? Check it out here.

Unfortunately, I'm limited here on Blogger as to the size I can post images at. If you can't read IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT clearly, please consider visiting my page at DeviantArt where I've been able to post a larger version as one continuous strip (click on the image to Super Size it!)
You can read more about the history of this new character, and see lots of production art, in a previous post here. Thanks for your continued support and interest in my work, it means a whole lot to me!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My 8 week stint at El Roble Intermediate school

A few weeks ago, I wrapped up an 8-week assignment at El Roble Intermediate School in Claremont, CA. I was co-teaching the class with art instructor Wendy Kubiak. This was for the ARTOON program produced by the Claremont Museum of Art. CMA member Lori Lamas, who runs the ARTOON program, actually had me come in one day last year as a guest speaker for the program, and this time around she asked me to co-teach the full 8 week program.

The program, which ran after school on Tuesdays, featured over 30 students who were instructed to create a one page story. They were told to think of that page as part of a longer comic or graphic novel of their own design.

Wendy Kubiak outlined the parameters of the project to the class, and I provided some initial storytelling demonstrations in how to lay out a page, moving the narrative from panel to panel, and basically provide guidance throughout the creation of the page.

We also had a guest artist visit the class, Jules Rivera, a cartoonist whose work includes VALKYRIE SQUADRON and MISFORTUNE HIGH (currently being run as a Kickstarter for Book 2). Jules provided the students with entertaining and informative tutorials on character design and coloring with markers. 

I really enjoyed working with this group, as it's always inspiring to see young creative minds at work. Whenever there were any questions about drawing or storytelling, I'd offer suggestions, and it's always great when you know you've helped someone solve a problem. But really, just seeing the types of stories they're telling, and their process in creating that story, that's a real learning experience.

One thing that's always interesting to me is while I walk around the class and look at their stories, I get an inkling on which of the students are heavily into manga and anime (Japanese comics and animation) and which ones are superhero comic fans. Video games and movies are also big influences, and sometimes the students will create stories based on themselves and their passions:

She's got her music, drink and snacks messily strewn about her table while working... Pretty much the way I make comics, too!

ARTOON Director Lori Lamas checking in the assignments. 

With the completion of the course, the last step was for Lori to take all the original art and have put them together in a digital file, where they'll printed and mounted onto a large 8' x 24' display piece. That will be on view outdoors at the Packing House in Claremont, CA. 

The unveiling for the piece will happen this week, on Friday, March 21. The ceremony, which will be attended by the students and their families, takes place at 5:30pm. Regrettably, due to a business trip up North, I won't be able to attend. But if you're available, please stop by and support the hard work by the students.

A great moment: This was the last day, class had already ended about 5 minutes previously, and these boys jumped in to help their classmate finish his piece. That's the collaborative spirit of art...and friendship!

My thanks to the Claremont Museum of Art, Lori Lamas and Wendy Kubiak for the opportunity to be a part of this excellent program. And to all the students for their creative energy and great comics!