So I'm hosting a new podcast. After 6 years since I last hosted my own show (called JAVILAND: The podcast of DIY comics) I finally decided to jump back in with a new show.

For years I had thought of doing a new show but I had convinced myself it would only happen if I went all out and bought a fancy microphone and learned how to edit the recording, and add music, etc. But as the years went by and I met new artists and writers and other creative folks, the yearning to sit down and record conversations with all these people kept calling to me.
And so I decided to go back to the simple platform of and just record a conversation and upload immediately afterwards, the whole raw recording with no editing or production value added! And so for the new episode of the all-new JAVILAND CHATTER I speak with Brad Dwyer, a cartoonist from Arizona whose work crosses between auto-biographic work and fantasy/monster stories!
The new show won't focus exclusively on comics, although the majority of guest will be writers and cartoonists from the comics world. Comics are, after all, my chief passion. But I'll also have the show open to folks from various fields in the art world: animation, film, literary circles and wherever else I run across an interesting person who I feel I can have a stimulating conversation with. Welcome to JAVILAND CHATTER! (There's a link on that page to subscribe to the podcast via iTunes, as well).