Friday I'm off to San Francisco to attend my 10th APE in a row!! Never missed one show, and in fact I debuted El Muerto there back when APE was held in San Jose. APE is put on by the folks at Comic Con International, so they know how to put on a show! I've always had stellar service at this show, and invite any comics fans in the Bay Area to come over and meet all kinds of neat cartoonists and buy some cool books.
I'll be there both days, saturday and sunday, with comics, zines and lots of prints. This is definitely my favorite comic book convention, always a great place to meet new fans and hook up with old friends. This year I'm debuting a brand new zine called: DRAWING THE DEAD. It's basically a little 'how-to-draw' El Muerto guide, as well as a behind-the-scenes look at how I create my comic book stories. Short versiont: No script, pencil the pages first, ink 'em, then write the dialogue page per page!
You can pick up a copy at APE, or write me and I'll let ya know if I have any left (most likely will!). Here's the cover and sample pages:

I'll be at table #235, so stop by if you can. I'll update you on the El Muerto movie AND fill you in on the new evolution in my publishing plans...
Yes folks, El Muerto goes digital! Big change for the new DEAD & CONFUSED comic, but soon everyone will be able to read it anywhere! See you at APE!
Earlier this week I recorded an interview with SMALLL WORLD PODCAST.COM and it's been posted here. This was fun to do, and as always, recorded interviews are interesting because I always fret over what I'm going to sound like when I hear the final product!
Well, this one went pretty good. Although I often think I have to many 'Um's and 'Ah's. Well, at least you can put a voice to my image now, those of you who haven't met me. Someone's going to hear this and say "Oh, I thought he was going to sound like Ricardo Montalban". I WISH!! But, regardless, there are some questions about self-publishing in there, mixed in amongst the usual comic book and movie inquiries. Bazooka Joe, the person who runs the site, had heard about the Muerto movie last month at the San Diego Latino Film Festival, so he contacted me and requested an interview. He puts together a nice show with lots of interesting people. I'm glad to have had the chance to contribute to his show.
Hope you find it informative and entertaining. :)
The good folks at have just posted an interview with me. Crack writer Molly Celaschi had some good solid questions, like this tantalizing little firecracker: "You also made an appearance as “Man in Costume” in a scene with El Muerto. Was that just for fun?". The answer to that and other questions are waiting in the interview....
Also, HorrorYearbook is presenting the 3rd Annual Independent Film Festival at SiliCon, a multi-media convention in San Jose, Ca that I'll be a guest at in October! El Muerto debuted in San Jose in the form of a little ol' independently printed black & white photocopied comic, so it's going to be an El Muerto homecoming for me. More on that later....
Thanks to Douggary, Wil and 'Good Golly' Miss Molly!