While this release doesn't have any of the Special Features, it has a really cool packaging design. I love the EL MUERTO logo, with my skull design placed in the 'O', and they also picked up on my comic book logo in that they exagerrated the 'T' into the shape of a cross. Although to be honest, considering the story behind El Muerto, a creative designer would probably have made that choice.
I love how the Australian distributor went to town with the hype for the comic. Along the top of the front of the package is the blurb "Based on the bestselling comic"! WOW! They probably used the sales charts from my online store, cause I don't think I could compete with Marvel and DC-type numbers on the Diamond Comics Distributors sales charts!
On the back of the package, the blurb along the top starts off with 'Based on the comic book series from Javier Hernandez...". Another blurb on the back states "One of the most talked about Mexican-American comics at the 2006 Comic Con..". That line came from some early PR from one of the distributors the producers were working with early on in the production.
Regardless of the ultimate success an American independent film might have as a DVD release in Australia, at the end of the day I have an import version of my movie on DVD. Not a bad experience at all!
Hi...First, sorry but my english isn't very good...
I'm from Brazil, I saw the movie and started to look for "El Muerto" history...
I liked it a lot...
I'm in love with him, jejejejeje...
Today, I'm going to a Halloween party as "El Muerto"!!!
Why couldn't the "American" distributors come up with a DVD case this cool?!?!?!?
d in Australian? Do any grim utterances of "G'Day, mate." come out of Wilmer's lips?
Seriously though, that's really cool. I'm glad you got to have a copy that says "El Muerto" on the cover, and the design of that cover is sweet!
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