Monday, June 30, 2008

CARTOONISTAS Group Art Show this weekend at GEEKS in Whittier

This is the first-ever group art show for the Cartoonistas!

The Cartoonistas is a group of San Gabriel Valley artists/cartoonists/animators that I helped co-found with my friend Jim Lujan, web-toonist extraordinaire. Jimmy had a dream to unite his fellow creative individuals from our area. Well, who am I to not help another artist with his dream of cartoon glory? We're still slowly putting the group together, but we had a chance to partner with Geeks during their 2nd Year Anniversay Sale this Independence Day Weekend so here we are! We know a great opportunity when we see one!

I'll post more about this event in a few days (I'll even include a pic of one of the new paintings I'm creating for this show!).

1 comment:

Jason Martin said...

We want pics!

We want pics!


No, no wait...

You're painting a C.H.U.D. aren't you?!?!?!!!??? :D