Monday, January 29, 2007

The Kiss of Death

A new image I created for Valentine's Day.
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And here's the original sketch.
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I scanned this and then created the artwork in Adobe Illustrator. I've created a few pieces as vector art, and I'm always happy with the final result. Someone told me the other day that I should do a whole comic in this style! Sure would look nice on glossy paper.... But it would certainly take some serious time to get it done. We'll see, one of these days maybe. But occasionally I just create these because I feel the image calls for it. Other times a painting seems the best way to produce a particular image, and often a good old fashioned pencil or inked drawing is what the art doctor ordered!


Jason Martin said...

Cool, nice to see the pencils.
I really dig your pencils, and I always like your vectored stuff!

Javier Hernandez said...

Thanks man. The final result of a piece originally created in pencil is always neat to see. In my case, I use the pencil drawing as a guide but like to modify the final rendering as I'm working.