He's actually holding the comic in his hand, but it's hard to tell with his in-progress painting and his huge collection of books and toys vying for attention in the background!! But he's happy as a clam for his with fresh out-of-the-box copy of MAN-SWAMP, The Living Quagmire! Thanks for the celebrity endorsement, Raf!
But believe it or not folks, the real reason I wanted to share this pic was to mention Rafael and his upcoming art show, NAVARRO NOIR, at GEEKS Comic shop in Whittier. Saturday, September 5 is the opening of the show, with the Artist Reception beginning at 7 pm. Raf will have original Sonambulo pages as well as lots of artwork featuring new pieces created specifically for this show.

Rafael will also have his brand new Sonambulo comic book, SONAMBULO LIVES!, at Geeks for sale and signing. Here's his spectacular painted cover to the book:

I first met Raf back in about 1990 during college. We hit it off immediately, talking about Frank Miller's DARK KNIGHT & DAREDEVIL and James Bond films! We both took a trip to San Jose back in 1996 to the Alternative Press Expo to specifically talk to independent creator Carlos Saldaña about self-publishing our own books. A year later, Raf was set up with his first Sonambulo comic while I hung out with him that weekend to learn 'on the job'. The following year, in 1998, I was up at APE with debuting my own comic book, EL MUERTO.
Raf and I have been friends ever since, doing many shows and appearances together, working on comic projects, and I even got Rafael a cameo in the EL MUERTO movie! Also that same day, I'll be hosting my free, 1 hour self-publishing seminar at GEEKS, earlier at 2pm. So there will be a double dose of the ol' Hernandez-Navarro magic that day.

Raf also contributed a piece to the EL MUERTO DVD Special Features, for the Galeria del Muerto. I'll leave you with that little gem, and hope to see you Saturday, September 5 in Whittier! Go to the DIY Comics Seminar, have dinner and see a movie afterward down the street, then come back to GEEKS for the NAVARRO NOIR art show!

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