These are two different characters, the gent with the tommy gun has been floating around my sketchbooks for some years. The bandaged head fella is a recent idea. I think the classic Universal monster flick, THE INVISIBLE MAN, had a big effect one me. Not the invisisble part, but the image of a fully bandaged head. Just looks cool. And you find it popping up all the time in art (DC Comics' THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER). Anyways, not too much to disclose on these characters, as they're on the perennial 'back burner' of my brain. But I did want to share them here on the blog.
Sweet! I love the bandage head guy.
Looking awesome Javier! Can't wait to see more of this guy. I have to admit I love the bandaged look as well! Also, when you get a chance check out my new website:
P.S. A chogrin "El Muerto" pin-up is on the way!
Looking awesome Javier! I can't wait to see more of this guy. I have to agree that there's something awesome and mysterious about those bandages that make a character immediately badass! Also, when you get a chance, check out my new website here:
P.S. A chogrin "el muerto" pin-up is on the way!
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